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Digital Strategies Guide

“Mastering Your Website”

Mastering Your Website: Insider’s Guide To Fully Understanding Your Website, Search Engine Optimization and Building Your Brand is a book which lays out the fundamental principles of building an Internet business and marketing your website online. The book was written by Mr John Colascione, Chief Executive Officer of Internet Marketing Services Inc.

Digital Strategies Guide
Paperback: 214 pages, Language: English, Categories: Online Internet Searching, Web Development & Design, Search Engine Optimization, Product Dimensions: 6 x 0.5 x 9 inches, Shipping Weight: 13.6 ounces.

The book, which is available in print, in audio format, and on Kindle covers just about everything someone would need to know, as either the business owner or web developer, in understanding the aspects which make up your website and how your site could and should perform on search engines when making changes which are known in the industry as search engine optimization techniques.

The narrative and content is laid out in such a way that even the most novice user can understand and ascertain real world aspects of what to do and what to avoid when building and promoting a website on the Internet. Accompanied by outstanding reviews, one knowledgeable e-commerce developer, Robert Easland, went as far as to say the book should be “required reading” for all new e-commerce store owners. His opinion was placed on the cover for its initial release.

Topics in this valuable guide begin from the very first aspect of picking and choosing the best domain name for your business all they way to complex initiatives which have the potential to transform your website into a lead generating machine.

Another reviewer, titling his review as “Excellent Material” said this specifically:

I have personally experienced setting up and reverse-engineering websites as John Colascione has done, and I can tell you that I would have paid much more than he is asking to have had this information from the start. There are a lot of things that new site and small business owners need to know, not just to get their site going, but to protect their businesses and their customers from they myriad pitfalls that can be easily avoided with a little forethought and study. (Source)

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Mastering Your Website is a comprehensive guide to developing the right marketing strategies from the get-go when contemplating how to get started and ensuring that you understand how domain names, websites and search engines work when it comes to online visibility and being found, primarily in search. The book also covers social media marketing and other processes including Google Patent applications which contribute to how the Google algorithm works to rank web pages. Over time, most other search engines wind up mimicking what Google does.

General Study

  • Digital strategy guide
  • Digital marketing strategy
  • Online marketing strategy
  • Digital transformation strategy
  • Digital growth strategy
  • Business digital strategy

More Specific Study

  • How to create a digital strategy
  • Digital strategy template
  • Digital strategy framework
  • Digital strategy planning
  • Digital strategy development
  • Digital strategy roadmap

Additional Research

  • Digital marketing plan
  • Online business plan
  • Digital transformation roadmap
  • Digital growth plan
  • Digital marketing blueprint